Hiii Danny
You’re in.
You feel your blood again.
All the way down your fingers
You feel alive.
Feels good huh?
Welcome back to the land of the living.
Remember Danny…
You’re not supposed to be here.
There are rules here.
But you like to break the rules
Better to do this quickly huh
The tall ceilings make you dizzy you could puke.
Enough distraction
You’re looking for “Duncan at dawn”
a secret phrase – say it in your head
Say it to him.
He’s gonna make you do it.
He wants you to say this whole phrase.
What a dick…
Very good Danny.
Your criminality suits you.
Push him aside.
You need to exit.
This building is a maze.
But you knew that going in.
Same elevator out.
If you could find it…
The envelope looked a little light…
What’s with the twenty dollars bills man?
What kind of name is Duncan?
Who the fuck is Duncan?
Why would he make you say that weird phrase? The whole thing.
He knew it was you immediately…
No one there.
“You’ve come to collect.”
Why make a meal of it?
This one act play.
This stupid joke.
You get a gross feeling…
Somethings in the way of you and the money you’re owed…
Somebody is fucking with you…
Something is under your skin…
This is the song I made for the video - it’s called John McAfee.